Designer/Drafter – Vacutech LLC – Sheridan, WY

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Engineering Jobs

Designer/Drafter – Vacutech LLC – Sheridan, WY:
Use Revit software to develop designs for use by Vacutech customers, certification agencies, local jurisdictions, and internal operations departments.From Vacutech LLC – Thu, 24 Mar 2022 19:22:13 GMT – View all Sheridan, WY jobs Designer/Drafter – Vacutech LLC – Sheridan, WY <<<>>>

Engineering Jobs – Remote, Part-Time & Freelance

Welcome to the Engineering remote, part-time, freelance, and flexible jobs page! The field of engineering is an expansive one, with specialties including civil, mechanical, chemical, environmental, architectural, materials, industrial, nuclear, and aerospace engineering. If you’re looking for information about software engineering, please head over to our Software and Development Jobs Page. The type of companies offering engineering jobs at FlexJobs include technology consultancies, science organizations, government agencies, communication agencies, infrastructure companies, defense contractors, and others. Some of the common job titles found in the engineering jobs category include Consultant Engineer, Environmental Engineer, Project Engineer, Structural Engineer, Civil Engineer, Geological Engineer, Project Manager, and Adjunct Instructor. Be sure to check out the latest engineering jobs listed below, including telecommuting, part-time, flexible schedule, and freelance engineering jobs!